Let Naka Nutri Cure VS take your pain away. Now there’s a brand new super concentrated supplement made from an extract of a powerful kitchen spice that relieves chronic pain and inflammation, boosts your immune system, and improves your digestion so you can better absorb nutrients from food. This pain reliever is called Nutri CURe and it’s unlike any other pain relieving product on the market; synthetic or natural. The power of Nutri CURe comes from its synergistic combination of healing turmeric, inflammation-fighting essential oils, pain-reliving boswellia, and immune-enhancing olive leaf extract.
Conventional pain relievers only block your ability to feel pain. Nutri CURe works with your body in a powerful yet subtle way to help your body heal itself !
Directions: Adults take 1 capsule daily or as directed by a health care practitioner.
***Special Cautionaries- Curcumin can have slight blood thinning properties. Consult your health care professional if you are taking blood thinners.
This Product is:
Gluten FREE
Egg& dairy FREE
Fish or shellfish FREE
Corn, Wheat& Yeast FREE